Seeing through. Peeking into the inner workings. Recently I’ve had x-rays on my mind. I just read a juvenile biography to Eden Fay about Marie Curie and her discovery of the elements Polonium (recently newsworthy when a pin speck’s worth apparently poisoned former Russian spy Alexander Litvinenko) and the better-known Radium, which led to the common use of the x-ray machine. (Oh, so to see through). Next, I’m reading Danah Zohar’s Quantum Self and getting stirred (yet again) about quantum physics, that old wave and particle dance, and how the act of seeing collapses potential into reality and the practical implications of that. Ah, those elusive inner workings. Then I find myself studying the beauty of this Ibis cross-section (like a heart pomegranate with rings, faces and a poetic wishbone) pondering introspection and the Aboriginal x-ray art style in painting which I see brought to sophisticated heights in Alex Grey’s ( multi-layered spiritual/ anatomical works. Interiors revealed. So, with x-rays, electromagnetic radiation and all, on my radar, I feel sparked to know more about basic electricity. Delving there inevitably leads to Tesla and his phenomenal work. Vast in scope, it wanders into some pretty far out territory (time travel, extraterrestrial communication, etc.) Finally, while bopping about on Wikipedia, I spy with my little eye a list of the Unsolved Problems In Physics and start wishing I was younger and smarter so I could explore it all. Then I just sit there panting and pining for a better-lit cognitive infrastructure with superhighways, power hubs and bridges rather than my own bemused marsh wallow meanderings burbling with swamp gas. Sigh. Will o’ the wisps. Wisps of the will. I tend to get distracted by the least waver on the horizon and sort of stumble in its general direction. I’m a lackadaisical and just plain intuitive thinker and decidedly NOT a scientist nor a scholar and I really just want one of those “jacks” like in the Matrix for plug in expertise so I can stay focused, cultivate some depth and have, say, a point… So, this has shaped into an obtuse and verbose complaint about my perceived deficient mental abilities rather than an insight about, well, insight. So much for “transparency”. Apparently the only thing to see here is some incoherent rambling and a weakness for metaphors. Which, by the way, is why I love the blog format because, hey, that’s OK!
Photo: Ibis mummy X-rays /Yale Peabody Museum's Mummy Collection of Ancient Egypt
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